Boards, Commissions, Committees

  • Safe Child Care Task Force

    Read the final report of the Safe Child Care Task Force here

    Purpose of the Task Force

    The purpose of the Safe Child Care Task Force is to recommend necessary reforms in child care settings to keep children safe, inform parents and care providers about licensed and unlicensed care options, and work to help prevent illegal child care. The task force will review local laws and regulations as well as national best practice models to make recommendations for reforms in Colorado.

    At the conclusion of the task force, a report will be published that details the recommendations of the task force.

    We are committed to providing the public with timely information on the work of the Safe Child Care Task Force. Sign up for the OEC’s email list here  to receive updates

    Task Force Members

    Please click here for a list of voting members of the Task Force. All members of the public are invited to attend Task Force meetings.

    The task force committee members were chosen based on a variety of qualifications and were carefully reviewed to ensure they are a fair representation of Coloradans and the people providing, needing and accessing child care across Colorado.

    Upcoming Full Task Force Meetings Dates

    All regularly scheduled meetings of the Task Force are complete. Future opportunities for feedback, and well as notice of the publication of the Task Force's report and next steps, will be shared with OEC stakeholders via email and published here. Sign up for the OEC’s email list to receive updates

    Submit Feedback

    If you would like to provide input on an individual basis, or if you have documents, reports, or group feedback that you would like to ensure the Safe Child Care Task Force considers, please reach out to task force facilitator Laura Hazen at

    Past Meeting Materials

    August 12
    Draft Compiled Recommendations (coming soon!)

    July 29 / August 9
    These meetings were dedicated to discussing ways to ensure the FFN community and families are supported as work on stopping providers who are caring for too many children occurs. The group also discussed resources, both existing and still needed, that do or could support the FFN community in providing safe, nurturing care. Due to technical difficulties on the first call, a second call was held.

    July 29, 2021

    July 15, 2021 (Full Task Force Meeting)
    Main Meeting Recording 
    Parent Care Evaluation Tool Breakout Recording 
    Medical Involvement Breakout Recording
    Other Topics Breakout Recording

    July 1, 2021 (Full Task Force Meeting)

    June 28, 2021 (Working Group Meetings)
    Standard Operating Procedures
    First Responders
    Statutes and Rules
    Fatality Review Process 
    General Session 

    Notes (all working groups)

    June 17, 2021 (Full Task Force Meeting)
    Main Meeting Recording
    Communications Planning Breakout Recording
    Messaging Breakout Recording 
    Enforcement Breakout Recording

    June 10, 2021 (Full Task Force Meeting)

  • Less than 24-Hour Child Care Licensing Appeals and Waiver Review Panel

    The Office of Early Childhood hosts a panel of experts in health, human services, education and youth corrections to review appeal or waiver requests and to make recommendations to the Division of Early Care and Learning. The panel meets monthly.

    Learn more about the waiver and appeals process.

  • Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund

    Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund Vision: Strong Families, Thriving Communities

    Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund Mission: To provide visionary leadership and collaborative support that aligns, advances, and uplifts primary and secondary child maltreatment prevention efforts in Colorado. 

    The Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund, established in statute in 1989, exists to prevent the abuse and neglect of Colorado’s children. The Fund focuses on efforts to strengthen families before the first occurence of child maltreatment. The CCTF is governed by a nine-person advisory board of directors with unique backgrounds to support and guide the work supported by the trust fund dollars.

    Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund Objectives

    • Enhance communities' capacity to prevent child abuse and neglect by allocating Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund annually for primary and secondary child abuse and neglect prevention programs to community-based organizations with special emphasis on preventing child sexual abuse and substance exposure in newborns.
    • Increase the number of parents/caregivers who are educated to support healthy development in their children.
    • Support public education that increases knowledge and understanding of child abuse and neglect prevention and/or positive parenting skills that ensures the health, safety and well-being of children; provides information on prevention programs; and raises awareness of protective factors in families and communities.
    • Promote the exchange of information on prevention programs.
    • Monitor funded programs and support program evaluation activities.
    • Increase financial resources for the Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund to advance its mission.
    • Ensure sustainability of effective child abuse and neglect prevention programs in local communities.
    • Improve prevention planning, and internal management processes and systems of the Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund.
    • Commit to anti-racism and anti oppression development work while elevating existing funding opportunities among racially, socially, and culturally diverse organizations/organizers in the prevention landscape.

    Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund : SFY 2021 Strategic Action Plan (Executive Summary) 

    The Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund is currently supporting child sexual abuse prevention training, as mandated in statute, through contract with  Illuminate to advance child sexual abuse prevention across the state through training, technical assistance, coalition building, and public awareness. 

    Illuminate Colorado – Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Efforts Final Report 

    Key Deliverables- July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

    • Developed and updated Curricula on Boundary Violations & Healthy Sexual Development to help establish universal language/themes to protect children, with adaptability to cater to specific needs and various audiences.
    • Ensured Child Sexual Abuse Prevention curricula facilitators were supported with the help of quarterly check-ins, maintained Facilitator Portals, and technical assistance/consultations. 
    • Provided 21 community trainings, including presentations for early childhood providers, home visitors, and other family serving organizations. Illuminate also trained nearly 500 adults from the Denver College of Nursing in this time frame. 
    • Disseminated funds to local agencies & individuals for CSAP Trainings. In total, 49 mini grants were awarded to 28 unique grantees, totaling $13,865.73. Funds supported 49 trainings across Colorado with 1,023 individuals trained.
    • Promoted Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Trainings by launching an initiative in June 2020 to promote the Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program as well as launched a new promotional microsite –
    • Collected Data & Evaluation Results on CSA Trainings to include; knowledge gained, participants willingness to change behavior/policies as a result of the training.
    • Contracted with Cadence Evaluation to provide CSAP Enhanced Evaluation, offering an in-depth look at longer-term participant impacts. 
    • Hosted quarterly Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Coalition meetings and developed the CSAP Coalition Sub-Committee to help brainstorm, create, and review questions to be used in a public opinion survey. 
    • Conducted a Public Opinion Research Report to provide quantitative baseline measurements of attitudes and knowledge of indicators related to the prevention of sexual abuse in Colorado. 

    Access to Agendas, Meeting Minutes, Board Member List, and more, below! 

    Staff Contact:

    Aaron Miller, Family Strengthening Unit Director




  • Colorado Interagency Coordinating Council

    The Colorado Interagency Coordinating Council (CICC) is mandated by federal law and is appointed by the governor to advise and assist the lead agency to implement the requirements of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

    The CICC is a governor appointed body that meets quarterly. Every meeting has a time for public comment when visitors can address the CICC about any relevant topic or concern. Below is a list of the upcoming Council meetings. All CICC meetings and records are open to the public. 

    View CICC meeting notices, agendas and minutes.

  • Early Childhood Leadership Commission

    The Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC) ensures and advances a comprehensive service delivery system for pregnant women and children from birth to eight years of age. The ECLC uses data to improve decision-making, alignment and coordination among federally funded and state-funded services and programs for pregnant women and young children and their families.

    Learn more or view meeting notices, agendas and minutes.

  • Early Childhood Sub-PAC

    ​The Colorado Department of Human Services Policy Advisory Committee (PAC), composed of state and county representatives, develops and addresses human services policies through collaboration, cooperation and effective communication on a statewide basis to improve the process of delivery of services for children, families, and adults across the state of Colorado.

    The PAC consists of several subcommittees including the Early Childhood Sub-PAC. The Sub-PAC meets monthly, on the first Thursday of each month.

    Visit the CDHS Policy Advisory Committee web page for Early Childhood Sub-PAC membership, agendas, minutes and a calendar of meeting dates.