The Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQIT) 48-hour course of training is designed for individuals like you who currently work with or plan to work with infants and toddlers and are interested in improving your knowledge and skills. It is particularly appropriate for child care providers who are looking for an in-depth, hands-on course focused on work with infants and toddlers in group care and who may not have taken many early education college courses.
Once you enroll in the course, you are encouraged to take advantage of on-site coaching to deepen your understanding and skills. Please speak with your EQIT course instructor for more information.
Successful completion of the EQIT 48-hour course of training meets the infant toddler training requirements specific to early childhood teachers, center directors, and the specialized family child care licenses.
Cost and Registration
The EQIT course is offered at very low cost in communities across Colorado by EQIT instructors who have completed an intensive EQIT Training of Trainers course. EQIT coaches complete additional professional development in the use of the EQ RELATE coaching tool.
View the list of EQIT course providers to identify the EQIT Registration Contact in your area or email us at for more information.
Participants in the EQIT Course learn about the importance of brain development in the first 3 years of life, social/emotional, cognitive, and physical development, and working with families as well as effective strategies for curriculum and discipline through 16 3-hour modules. These modules include:
- The Wonder of Infancy
- Care of the Spirit
- Responsive Caregiving for Healthy Relationships
- Our Partners, The Families
- Cornerstones of Quality Care: Health, Safety, and Nutrition (two modules)
- The Power of Places and Spaces
- Day to Day the Relationship Way: Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
- Exploring Early Learning
- Nurturing Language and Discovering Literacy (two modules)
- Babies in Motion
- Understanding and Respecting the Gifts of Culture
- Welcoming Children with Special Needs
- Making a Difference with Relationship Based Care
- Celebrating Our Profession
In addition to the 48 hours of direct class time, each participant is also offered coaching through the EQ RELATE Model of Coaching. Following similar relationship-based principles covered in the EQIT Course, EQ RELATE Coaching supports providers in reflecting on and applying new understandings to their own practice.
EQ Instructors must participate in a 70 hour Training of Trainers, continue with ongoing professional development, and collaborate with their local Early Childhood Council to implement the EQIT Course.
There are about 120 EQ instructors in the State of Colorado that serve as Infant Toddler Specialists and are offered further professional development opportunities through the EQ Initiative. These opportunities include trainings with national presenters from organizations such as Pacific Oaks College and Zero to Three.
College Credit
Courses are offered throughout the year in local communities across the state. In collaboration with a variety of community colleges, many communities also offer participants the opportunity to receive college credit for participation in EQIT.